
Module: utils.monitor#

Module holding utility and convenience functions for zmq event monitoring.


zmq.utils.monitor.parse_monitor_message(msg: List[bytes]) _MonitorMessage#

decode zmq_monitor event messages.


msg (list(bytes)) –

zmq multipart message that has arrived on a monitor PAIR socket.

First frame is:

16 bit event id
32 bit event value
no padding

Second frame is the endpoint as a bytestring


event – event description as dict with the keys event, value, and endpoint.

Return type:


zmq.utils.monitor.recv_monitor_message(socket: Socket, flags: int = 0) Awaitable[_MonitorMessage]#
zmq.utils.monitor.recv_monitor_message(socket: Socket[bytes], flags: int = 0) _MonitorMessage

Receive and decode the given raw message from the monitoring socket and return a dict.

Requires libzmq ≥ 4.0

The returned dict will have the following entries:

event : int, the event id as described in libzmq.zmq_socket_monitor value : int, the event value associated with the event, see libzmq.zmq_socket_monitor endpoint : string, the affected endpoint

Changed in version 23.1: Support for async sockets added. When called with a async socket, returns an awaitable for the monitor message.

  • socket (zmq PAIR socket) – The PAIR socket (created by other.get_monitor_socket()) on which to recv the message

  • flags (bitfield (int)) – standard zmq recv flags


event – event description as dict with the keys event, value, and endpoint.

Return type:
