Module: zmq.asyncio
AsyncIO support for zmq
Requires asyncio and Python 3.
Added in version 15.0.
As of 15.0, pyzmq now supports asyncio
, via zmq.asyncio
When imported from this module, blocking methods such as
, Socket.poll()
and Poller.poll()
return Future
import asyncio
import zmq
import zmq.asyncio
ctx = zmq.asyncio.Context()
async def recv_and_process():
sock = ctx.socket(zmq.PULL)
msg = await sock.recv_multipart() # waits for msg to be ready
reply = await async_process(msg)
await sock.send_multipart(reply)
Context class that creates Future-returning sockets. See zmq.Context
for more info.
Socket subclass that returns asyncio.Future
s from blocking methods,
for use in coroutines and async applications.
See also
for the inherited API.
- class zmq.asyncio.Socket(context=None, socket_type=-1, io_loop=None, _from_socket: Socket | None = None, **kwargs)#
Socket returning asyncio Futures for send/recv/poll methods.
- recv(flags: int = 0, copy: bool = True, track: bool = False) Awaitable[bytes | Frame] #
Receive a single zmq frame.
Returns a Future, whose result will be the received frame.
Recommend using recv_multipart instead.
- recv_multipart(flags: int = 0, copy: bool = True, track: bool = False) Awaitable[list[bytes] | list[Frame]] #
Receive a complete multipart zmq message.
Returns a Future whose result will be a multipart message.
- send(data: Any, flags: int = 0, copy: bool = True, track: bool = False, **kwargs: Any) Awaitable[MessageTracker | None] #
Send a single zmq frame.
Returns a Future that resolves when sending is complete.
Recommend using send_multipart instead.
Poller subclass that returns asyncio.Future
s from poll,
for use in coroutines and async applications.
See also
for the inherited API.